Sunday, January 16, 2011

2010 in Film

So, I've been analyzing this past year in film and I've finally come up with a final list which I feel sums up my opinions on what truly were my favorite films of this past year.

  1. The Social Network
  2. 127 Hours
  3. Scott Pilgrim Vs. the World
  4. Inception
  5. I'm Still Here
  6. Buried
  7. Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows Part One
  8. The King's Speech
  9. True Grit
  10. The Fighter 
Tell me what you think!


  1. You have an interesting taste in movies, relative to myself. Inception was first or second, near Tron: Legacy. Jesus, I only wish Tron wasn't over.

    Anyways, check out my blog?


  2. My list:
    The kings speech
    I'm still here
    Scott pilgrim
    The fighter
    Social network
    Harry potter
    True grit

    Following. Follow?
